
Faculty of: ECONOMIA



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2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-77 (Scienze economico-aziendali)

Field projects

  • The MScM challenges students both academically and practically, requiring them to meaningfully apply theory to develop viable solutions to real-life business problems.
  • Accordingly, a field project (8 CFUs) is one of the core activities performed in each business lab, engaging students to work as a team and carry out a consulting project committed by one of the lab’s partnering companies under the guidance of a professor with business experience.
  • As a rule, the scope of a field project is broad enough for students to leverage their learning and come up with an innovative solution to a business challenge but – at the same time – achievable within a 10-12 week period.
  • Students involved in a field project will be conducting qualitative and/or qualitative targeted research and not undertaking day-to day tasks. According to the purpose (and the scope) of the project, students are typically required to work both individually and in group, both at home and in classroom, both inside and outside the partnering company.


Facts and figures

Since the inception of the program in 2014, MScM students successfully delivered more than 30 projects to 23 partnering companies in a number of subject areas such as strategy, marketing, performance measurement and control, IT and digital transformation, and so forth.


Field projects delivered by MScM students in the last 3 years include:




Field project at Sassuolo Hospital | Letizia Antolini