
Faculty of: ECONOMIA



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2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-77 (Scienze economico-aziendali)

Career opportunities

The Master of science in Management opens up a wide range of career opportunities in the international labour market to people who want to play an active role in global and local companies operating in different sectors.

Graduates have a flexible and multidisciplinary profile to pursue managerial, consultant, professional, and entrepreneurial careers in complex organizational environments where international and multicultural issues stand out.

In particular, the Master of science in Management offers career opportunities in large consultancy, multinational, luxury, and healthcare organizations, as well as in small and medium enterprises.


MScM careers

MScM graduates typically hold the following job titles:
Source: MScM survey 2022

Account and social media manager • Account manager • Accounting and reporting specialist • Area manager • B2B ecommerce manager • Brand manager • Branch manager • Business analyst/consultant • Business data analyst • Business development manager/strategist • Business intelligence specialist • Buyer • Category media manager • Channel marketing manager • Communication specialist • Consultant • Controller • Credit risk analyst • CRM specialist • CSR specialist • Customer care specialist • Customer success manager • Customer service associate • Demand planner • Digital analyst • Digital marketing strategist • Digital merchandiser • Digital performance specialist • Digital project manager • Digital transformation specialist • Distribution specialist • Diversity and inclusion lead • E-commerce manager • Experience transformation analyst/consultant • Export manager • Financial auditor/controller • Founder/co-founder • HR assistant/generalist/specialist/manager • Investment analyst • IT project manager • Key account manager • M&A analyst • Management consultant/analyst • Marketing and sales manager/assistant/ associate/specialist • Merchandiser • Open innovation specialist • Operations analyst/specialist • Product manager • Program manager • Project controller/manager • Recruiting and training specialist/consultant • Reporting specialist • Risk analyst • Sales analyst/assistant/specialist/associate/executive/manager • Strategy analyst/consultant/specialist • Supply chain manager • Sustainability analyst/supervisor • Technology strategy analyst • Trade marketing specialist/manager • Treasury analyst