
Faculty of: ECONOMIA



2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-77 (Scienze economico-aziendali)

Welcome to ComoNExT!


On January 13, students attending the second year of the Master of Science in Management had the opportunity to pay a visit to ComoNExt, one of the partnering companies of the MS. During the visit, students enrolled in the Business Lab focused on Small and Medium Enterprises were able to see concretely how a successful business and innovation hub operates.
The company hosted our students in their outstanding Scientific Park in Lomazzo, where our students were welcomed by the ComoNExT’s head of the Incubation & Open Innovation, Maria Christina Porta. She discussed with them key aspects of their strategic management such as the history of the organization, its business model, the portfolio of companies undergoing incubation, and the process of choosing which ideas to support. The students were delighted with the experience, as they lived it as “something new” and “unexpected”.
We hope that the cooperation between MSc in Management and ComoNExT will continue to grow in the future!