

Innovation and Technology Management


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2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-77 (Scienze economico-aziendali)

The Master of Science in Innovation and Technology Management is aimed at offering the possibilities for many career opportunities, both as managers in large enterprises and SMEs, supporting business change processes and developing new products, and as start-upper and partner of new venture creation. The aim of the programme is that of generating professional skills capable of interfacing and working in and out of organization in a creative, innovative way, with relational and communicative effectiveness to face the new business contexts generated by the digital economy.
Therefore, graduates from the MSc ITEM are prepared to enter careers in fields focused on innovation in: large companies in the manufacturing or services sectors; small and medium-sized enterprises; consultancy firms; international organisations; agencies offering technology transfer and support for new innovative businesses; science and technology parks; business incubators and accelerators; universities and other research institutions. The ITEM master’s degree not only provides employment opportunities in sectors where innovation is central to strategic action (science-based start-ups, large ICT firms, specialists in/producers of digital technologies, energy sector businesses and organisations) but also in more traditional sectors where innovation is linked to the adoption and contextualisation of new technologies, such as: textiles and clothing, furniture, agri-food, banking, insurance, health and public administration, and all traditional manufacturing sectors in general.

Potential professional roles include:


Graduates from the programme have an integrated and in-depth understanding of the innovation and transformation processes made possible by new technologies; they have the ability to analyse and evaluate the economic and social sustainability of new business models in pre-existing fields and organisational processes; they can create new business activities and initiatives thanks to their in-depth knowledge of the technological potential, risks, costs and benefits of product and process innovation, and of sectors, markets and clients analysis. They can identify a potential market for a product/service in a global context and make predictions on future trends in the demand for products and services. They can analyse the implications in terms of business development, technological trajectories, intellectual property and open innovation.

Graduates from this programme are equipped for roles in the creative and innovative management of processes, ranging from the design to the launch of new products and services in areas such as: creative thinking, product design and product development, open and collaborative innovation and strategic management of intellectual property. Graduates from the programme are therefore able to integrate the capacity to direct and plan the work of Research and Development specialists in a way that corresponds with the resources available, with an awareness of cutting-edge developments and the analysis of market conditions and competition.

Graduates from the programme acquire the skills and knowledge they need to be able to act as creators of new businesses and to work as entrepreneurs, taking advantage of the opportunities generated by new digital technologies. They will therefore be capable of managing the launch and market development of a start-up, leveraging the wide array of potential relationships in the relevant business ecosystem.