

Communication for Business, Media and Culture


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domestic applicants
2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-19 (Informazione e sistemi editoriali) - LM-59 (Scienze della comunicazione pubblica, d'impresa e pubblicità)

Through the Self Branding and Job Positioning workshop, participants will be trained to become more aware of their skills, and to clarify their professional goals; tools will be provided to train students in writing a CV (Resume) and creating a video CV according to the current HR requirements; participants will be supported to set up their professional communication online (LinkedIn) and offline; tips on how to perform at their best during an interview (through digital platforms and in-person) will be shared.

N.B. To start their internships, students have to attend this workshop. It will take place in both the first and second academic semester. Groups will be formed at the beginning of the year. Students may request, for justified reasons, to attend a different edition than the one assigned. 

The workshop is structured in 3 meetings/modules:

Module 1 (2.5 h): Self Branding, with practical exercises to raise awareness of one's capabilities and clarify professional goals

Module 2 (3h): How to write a CV in Resume format, how to create your own video CV, how to open your own LinkedIn prifile

At the end, students are asked to upload their CVs (complete with a link to their LinkedIn profile) on the dedicated Blackboard page. This work will be evaluated for workshop approval

Module 3 (2 h): practical guidance on placement, interview tips (on online and face-to-face).

The workshop provides 2 ECTS.