

Communication for Business, Media and Culture


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domestic applicants
2 Years
Degree Classes
LM-19 (Informazione e sistemi editoriali) - LM-59 (Scienze della comunicazione pubblica, d'impresa e pubblicità)

The graduate degree programme in Communication for business, media and culture foresees 10 ECTS of internship and placement activities. The internship experience is mandatory to the didactic and seminar activities of the degree programme, an extension of the simulations and projects developed in the courses and laboratories, and an opportunity to measure oneself against the professional challenges posed by the world of communication today. The minimum duration of the internship is 270 hours. In order to be able to submit internship applications and activate the curricular internship with ECTS, students must have taken part in the 'Self branding and Job positioning' workshop.
Here you can find the complete procedure

The 10 ECTS for the curricular internship activities of the graduate degree programme in Communication for business, media and culture may be acquired by students in the following ways:

() Internships proposed by companies and available on the platform (English version) and internships recommended to students by the degree programme Career Adviser (proposed internship)

(B) Internships proposed by the student (self-proposed internship), based on personal contacts with the institution or company

(C) Recognition of professional activities carried out by the student in fields recognised as valid by the Career Adviser

The following will NOT be recognised as valid:

  • all professional activities carried out within bodies or companies in which persons related to the candidate by any degree are employed;
  • any internship activity that has already produced ECTS for an undergraduate programme and/or a graduate programme;
  • all internships activated as 'curricular with zero ECTS'.

To activate the curricular internship with ECTS, you need:

  • To have gained a minimum of 24 ECTS during the student's career (through passing exams or seminars);
  • To take part in the 'Self branding and Job positioning' workshop.

Information on internship offers and any training sessions will be sent by email by the Career Advisers of the degree programme; students are therefore advised to check their email regularly.

Curricular internships of type A and B (see “INTERNSHIP TYPOLOGIES”) must be activated on as curricular internships with ECTS. The procedure is explained in detail at the following link

All information on internships (procedures, regulations, etc.) can be found here.

Those who have serious and justified reasons for interrupting their internship must have their company reference person contact the Stage & Placement Office ( by copying the internship tutor (, specifying the reasons for the interruption. Degree programme Career Advisers will assess whether to recognise part of the internship ECTS.
Please note that the Curricular Internship Commission may proceed to end the internship activity and cancel the ECTS in case of proven non-compliance by students.

It is possible to extend the internship activity in the form of a 'curricular with zero ECTS' internship. At the end of the training project with ECTS, students must contact the Stage & Placement Office and request the activation of a new training project without ECTS.


Type A and B internship recognition will follow these steps:

  • since the end of the internship, the company will be invited (by communication from the Stage & Placement Office) to fill in an online questionnaire on in order to assess the internship carried out;
  • the company will be able to access the platform using the same credentials provided during registration and used to activate the internship;
  • the company can fill in the questionnaire from 5 days before to 20 days after the end of the internship;
  • only after a positive assessment by the company it will be possible to proceed with the recognition of the internship and the related ECTS;

The company has not completed the questionnaire, Career Advisers will contact the company contact person indicated in the training project and send him/her the evaluation questionnaire in Word format. This questionnaire must then be returned to the Stage & Placement Office, which will manually upload it onto the portal.


For type C internships, the student must present the work contract, specifying the tasks performed, and an identity document. Please note that the work activity must be inherent to the Degree Programme and will be subjected to evaluation by the Technical Committee. In such cases, the procedure will take longer. Students are asked to take this into account and to complete the procedure well in advance.


The registration of the ECTS gained through type A, B and C internships takes place once the above described procedures have been completed.

Registration of the internship are taken only at the appropriate call (as for the exams).

Call dates for the registration of internships can be found on the following page and are updated by the offices periodically. The last available call will be 15 days before the chosen graduation session.
It is up to the students to register on the most appropriate date according to their career path. Please note that before registering for the call, you must ask the company to complete the evaluation questionnaire on your internship. If the questionnaire is not completed with a positive evaluation, the internship cannot be approved.

Communication for business, media and culture Programme encourages students to attend their internships abroad. A number of study abroad options are available:

(A) internships offered within the framework of agreements activated by the UCSC International network and present on the student portal - experiences abroad

(B) self-provided internships.

In both cases the internship must be formalised as follows:

Upon activation of the internship by the students, the company will receive a notification inviting them to confirm the activation of the internship, also on the portal;

The start of the internship is subject to the approval of the Career Advisers;

Upon completion of the procedures outlined in steps 1-4, trainees will receive two documents (the Trilateral Agreement and the Indemnity Agreement) by email, which must be signed and emailed in advance to the following address Trainees will be responsible for handing over the originals of the two documents to the International Relations Office (Via Carducci, 28/30, Milan) upon their return from mobility.