
Deadline: August 30 2023

Facoltà di: Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali

Viticulture and Enology: innovation meets tradition [VENIT]


Anno accademico 2023/2024

Lingua English

Tipologia Master Master di I livello

Frequenza Full time

The main goals of the program are:

  1. To acquire solid methodology and knowledge suitable to address innovation issues in the vineyard and the winery
  2. To achieve specific skills for new canopy management technique suitable to mitigate undesired climate-related effects, new sustainable approaches for pest and disease control, precision viticulture and enology
  3. Develop the ability to diagnose limiting factors occurring in vineyard and winery and to produce suitable solutions
  4. Learn to pro-actively take part in discussions dealing with viticulture and enology topics.
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