Registration deadline : 30 August 2023


Viticulture and Enology: innovation meets tradition [VENIT]


Academic Year
Master I livello
Full time
Delivery Mode
In presenza

Invited lecturer

Porfidio, born in Milan in 1989, Sommelier and Enologist, currently head sommelier of Terrazza Gallia, Hotel Excelsior Gallia in Milan and ASPI (Italian professional sommellerie association) coordinator for Milan and province. He graduated in Oenology and, on the strength of this base, after several experiences in prestigious wineries in Italy, he chose to pursue a career in the world of restaurants and communication. A choice that was not slow to bring him great satisfaction. For him, a talented young man, after being the most voted in all categories at the Italia a Tavola 2019 poll winning the title of Person of the Year, 2020 is a year of awards. Gambero Rosso honors him as Best Sommelier among the 30 best under 30 in Italy, Identità Golose awards him Best Service 2020, as well as the prestigious GoWine Friends of Langhe and Roero 2020 award. He currently teaches at several educational institutions, including IULM University, and collaborates with several trade magazines, including Italia a Tavola, editor of the column "Ripartiamo dal vino." Since 2022 he has started his own wine production business in Tuscany, in Chianti Classico.

Giuliano Boni has a degree in Food Scienze and Tecnology from the University of Milan.

Since February 2003, he has been a partner in Vinidea S.r.l. where he is in charge of the coordination of professional training (organization of courses, meetings, seminars, educational and field trips) and lecturer (courses "Sensory analysis of grapes", "Sensory evaluation of wine faults", "The molecular basis of wine aromas").

He also coordinates the technical translation services.

Before joining Vinidea he was Winemaking Assistant to the Technical Manager and later Sales Support Manager worldwide in Esseco (6 years.)

He has also been Consultant Winemaker at Rossi Contini, Ovada (Italy) during 4 years, Assistant Winemaker, then Production Manager and Quality Assurance Manager in Az. Agr. Doria, Montalto Pavese (Italy) (3years).

During his studies he participated to the Erasmus program at Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Porto (Portugal).

He can speak fluently French, Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Visiting Professors

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Dr.-Ing.  Christian Butzke is a Professor of Enology in the United States’ leading food science department at Purdue University. 

Trained as a German engineer, he is past president of the American Society for Enology and Viticulture (ASEV) and chief judge of the Indy International,  the largest scientifically organized wine judging in the US. 

He is the editor of the technical book “Winemaking Problems Solved” for commercial winemakers, and author of the textbook “Wine Appreciation” written for the over 6000 students he has taught over the years. 

Prof. Butzke has been an award-winning commercial winemaker and is considered one of the preeminent enologists in the US.  

Prior to making wines professionally, he was a faculty member in the world-renowned Department of Viticulture and Enology at UC Davis where he conducted his well-known research on wine shipping conditions, cork taint, and wine yeast nutrition. 

Professor Butzke is the co-founder of the Joint Burgundy-California-Oregon Winemaking Symposia, and served on the managing committee for the Unified Wine & Grape Symposium, the largest annual conference for the American wine industry. 

He is a co-founder of VinSense, a software company that provides actionable vineyard management decision-support through real-time, ultra-precision functional soil maps, and powerful Big Data visualization tools. 

Professor Butzke’s parents got married in Verona, had their honeymoon on the island of Elba, and their son made his first steps on the beautiful beaches of Cesenatico in Emilia-Romagna.

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Prof. Albert Mas will take care of the Topics in Enology course in March / April 2021.
He has been Emeritus Professor of Food Science and Technology, speciality Oenology and Tutor of Master and PhD Thesis in the Faculty of Oenology of the University Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona (Spain) since 2002
He owns a BSc in Biology and PhD Biochemistry from the University of Barcelona.
He also worker as a Postdoc in the State University of New York at Buffalo (USA) and the Hospital for Sick Children of Toronto, Canada.
He also had the following academic responsibilities: director of the Dept of Natural Sciences (Universitat Laboral Tarragona 1983-84), director of the Dept of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Universitat Rovira i Virgili 1992-1995 and dean of the Faculty of Oenology, Universitat Rovira i Virgili 1995-2001, 2011-2013.
He has been a Research Group leader (Oenological Biotechnology, 1995-2018) and the leader of several European and National Grants and contracts with private industries. Editor of International Journal of Food Microbiology and Associate editor of Frontiers in Microbiology.
In the attachment you can read more information about his publications and research.

Fernando Zamora Marín was born in Tarragona (Spain) on November 7, 1960. After studying the degree of chemistry, he obtained his PhD degree at the University of Barcelona in 1988. He has also obtained the Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies en Viticulture et Œnologie and the Diplôme National d’Œnologe at the University of Bordeaux. He is now Full Professor of the Faculty of Oenology of the University Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona (Spain) in which has exerted as Dean during 4 years. He is currently the director Experimental Winery of the Rovira i Virgili University and president of the Technology Commission of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV).

He has directed 14 PhD theses; he has published 70 scientific articles (peer-reviewed), more than 100 articles in other revues, numerous book chapters and several congress communications.

His main research subjects are:

  • Phenolic compounds, color and astringency of red wines
  • Proteins and polysaccharides of wine; sensory and technological implications.
  • Influence of climate change on wine composition and quality; Adaptation of winemaking techniques to global warming conditions.

He exerts as oenologist consulter in some wineries in AOC Priorat (Roquers de Porrera), Montsant (Cal Bessó) and Cava (Juvé y Camps). He is co-owner of the renowned wine “Espectacle del Montsant”.


  • 1985. Bachelor Special Award of the Faculty of Chemistry of Tarragona, University of Barcelona.
  • 2006. Gold Medal for the "Research in Enology" Awarded by the Spanish Federation of Winemakers in Congress 2006 in Tenerife.


  • Master of Physics Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble. Sept 1991-Juin 1992
  • Master of Enology Université de Bordeaux. Sept 1992- Juin 1993
  • PhD University of Bordeaux. Supervisors: Yves GLORIES (OEnologie, Université de Bordeaux), Didier ROUX (Physico-chimie, CRPP-CNRS Bordeaux). 1993-1997.
  • Abilitazione alla ricerca diretta University of Bordeaux. Décembre 2006.


  • Post doctoral Resaercher. Université of California, Davis. USA. Upervisor: Pr Andrew Waterhouse. Juin 1998-Mai 1999.
  • Assistant Professesor University of Bordeaux. Sept 1999- Déc. 2008.
  • Associate Professor• University pf British Columbia (UBC) Kelowna, Canada. Jan 2009-Aug 2013. (31st top University in the world in Shangai 2017 ranking).
  • Professor Head of Enology • University of Montpellier : Sept 2013-Present

Travaux de Recherche et encadrements d’étudiants:

  • International Publications 63 Publications 0,39<I.F< 10,88 h-index : 27 (
  • Communications à des Conférences 123 including 30 invited conferences invitées. 35 orals. 58 posters

Supervising experience

  • 100% : 9 Masters, 3 Doctorates, 3 post-docs).
  • 50% : 7 Doctorates , 2 post-docs.
Senior Photographer

Paolo Sabbatini received his PhD (2002) and MS (1997) in Horticulture from the University of Ancona (Italy).

From 2002, he worked as post-doc focusing his research on carbon assimilation and in 2004 moved to Michigan State for continuing his post-doctoral studies on natural carbon isotope discrimination and source-sink relationship. In 2007 he joined the Department of Horticulture of the Michigan State University as Assistant Professor in viticulture with research (50%), extension (40%) and teaching (10%) responsibilities and he became Associate Professor in 2013.

Research focus is on vine physiology of juice and wine grapes. Emphasis is on physiological and cultural factors limiting vine growth, sustainable yield, fruit quality and their interaction with biotic and abiotic stress. His ultimate goal is to solve whole plant problems that will optimize vine productivity and quality.

He has State responsibilities for evaluation of wine cultivar and several ongoing research projects funded by MGWIC (Michigan Grape Wine and industry Council), Welch’s National Grape Cooperative, Project GREEEN (MSU AgBioResearch) and USDA on vine balance, canopy management, determination of action thresholds of pest and diseases and viticultural approaches to reduce bunch rot in wine grapes. He is affiliated with several professional societies; ASEV (from 2007), ASEV-ES (from 2009), ISHS (from 2002) and ASHS (from 2006).

Seminars in November 2017

  1. The role of research and extension in supporting the expansion of the grape and wine industry in USA and in Michigan
  2. Impact of viticultural practices in improving fruit quality in cold-cool climate viticulture

Similar to other cold-cool climates regions of the World (Austria, Germany, new Zealand  and north of France) wines produced in Michigan are aromatic and with distinctive varietal character.

However, the limiting and challenging weather impose great attention on selecting wine grape varieties and cultural practices. While market pricing and demand varieties by wineries may direct growers to plant specific varieties, it is important to carefully consider the varieties that are best suited for each specific sites. There are many factors, which must be considered in planting a new vineyard: crop control and canopy management pivotal for the production of grapes. Crop control is a vineyard practice that includes the adjustment of the vine to balance the amount of fruit with the growth of the vine.

Moreover, to ensure the production of high quality grapes, growers in the Midwest implement canopy management practices especially in vineyards seeking maximum wine quality. Canopy management is the practice that results in the modification of position and amount of leaves, shoot, and fruit in trellis system. Benefits canopy management are maximizing sunlight interception improving fruit quality, increasing air movement leading to faster drying time from rain and thus less disease pressure.