Registration deadline : 30 August 2023


Viticulture and Enology: innovation meets tradition [VENIT]


Academic Year
Master I livello
Full time
Delivery Mode
In presenza

International students who do not have an Italian bachelor's degree

Applicants whose first language is not English will need to have either:

  1. TOEFL iBT overall score of at least 80, or
  2. Academic IELTS overall score of at least 6.0, or
  3. Successfully completed a degree program taught in the English language

Partial merit based scholarships consisting in a fee reduction of € 2.100,00 are available.

Deadline 1 / 2 / 3
priority consideration deadline is for all applicants. Students wanting to be considered for scholarships are advised to apply by this deadline as a majority of the scholarships will be assigned within this first call.

Deadline 4
some scholarships may still be available but very limited. For greater chance to receive a scholarship it is advised to apply by the Priority consideration deadline above.

Deadline 5
is the final deadline, no scholarships will be available.

Studenti con titolo di Laurea conseguita in Università italiane

Per iscriversi è necessario

e seguire le indicazioni del sito.

Attenzione! Possono presentare domanda di ammissione al Master studenti laureandi a condizione che il titolo di  laurea sia conseguito entro l’ultima sessione dell’a.a. 2022/23.

La selezione degli allievi degli studenti con titolo di laurea conseguito in Italia si baserà su:

    Il certificato o autocertificazione degli esami sostenuti è accettata in italiano o in inglese. Transcripts are accepted in English or Italian;
Attraverso le seguenti modalità alternative:
  1. Presentazione di una certificazione conseguita dal 1° gennaio 2021:
  • Academic IELTS ( score di almeno 6.0 );
  • TOEFL / IBT ( score di almeno 80 );
  • GMAT;
  • Cambridge English:
    -   First (FCE);
    -   Advanced (CAE);
    -   Proficiency (CPE);
    -   Business English Certificate (BEC Vantage e BEC Higher)
  1. Laurea triennale conseguita in lingua inglese.
  2. Sostenimento prova di inglese con un livello almeno pari a B2 [per chi desidera esercitarsi, accedendo ad esempio al sito del British Council è possibile trovare una serie di siti con esercizi utili. Si consiglia di selezionare quelli relativi ad un livello almeno B2]
    La prova si terrà online il 22 giugno 2023. Per informazioni rivolgersi all'ufficio master.
  3. Per i laureati triennali di UCSC, avendo superato l’esame di Scientific English, non è necessario procedere con la certificazione. Si prega trasmettere all’Ufficio Master, un certificato da cui risulti l’esame di Scientific English sostenuto.

Tuition Fees

Full tuition fee: € 7.500

  • I payement - 1.500,00 euro by 31st of August
  • II  payement - 3.000,00 euro by 30th of November
  • III  payement - 3.000,00 euro by the 28th of February

Please refer to the sections "What’s included in your tuition fees" and "Pago Pa Payement" for more details and payment procedure.

20 places available

Among these 20 the Master Director can give 4 scholarships of 2100 euros for overseas students for the enrollment made within March 2023.

Tuition fees DO include
  • Access to all courses (pre-course, regular courses, lab course, field course)
  • Transport and meals during field visits
  • Any teaching material
  • Welcome “pizza”
  • Any wine tasting
  • Final exam
  • Final closing ceremony
  • Health insurance while on campus and participating in course activities
Tuition fees DO NOT include
  • Meals and accommodation while in Piacenza.
  • However, once enrolled as UCSC student, you will have access to the cafeteria offering meals at a quite convenient cost
  • Health insurance while off campus and not participating in course activities, insurance during the internship period
  • Depending on availability, the host might provide meals and/or accommodation during the internship
  • Unless otherwise stated, no salary will be payed to the student during internship.

Studenti con titolo di Laurea conseguita in Università italiane

PagoPA payment

PagoPA, what is it?

PagoPA is an electronic payment system designed to make it easy, safe and transparent to pay Italian Public Administration institutions.

As of 13 April 2021, it is the only payment method accepted by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore for the payment of student tuition and university fees.

Through PagoPa:

  • you can pay online via home-banking or the smartphone app, or in person at a bank, tobacco shop, etc.;
  • you can pay using your preferred payment method (credit card, bank transfer, etc.);
  • you can choose the bank;
  • you can pay h24; 
  • you get immediate confirmation of payment; if any charges apply for your transaction, these will be made known to you immediately;
  • The security of payments and personal data is guaranteed through standard protection protocols.

Important: students who do not use a bank account in Italy, or credit card issued by an Italian bank, or have not yet activated their Carta Ateneo+ student card to be used as a bank card, must follow the instructions below described under the “pay at a later time” (PAGA PIU’ TARDI) option via the Scrigno Pago Facile procedure provided by the Banca Popolare di Sondrio.

PagoPA payment procedure

You can decide to

  • pay immediately by logging in the on-line PagoPA payment section (press the button PAGA ON LINE) (there  are  different  possible  methods,  as debiting  a  current  account  or  payment  by  credit  card or PayPal).  This  credit card payment  method  is  possible  for maximum amounts of 1500,00 Euros   and using credit card issued by an Italian bank;
  • pay at a later time by printing the PagoPA payment slip in PDF/paper format, that also contains the bar code and a QR identification code of payment, that is useful if you wish to pay at a bank counter or other PSPs adhering to the PagoPA payment system (e.g., via a Sisal, Lottomatica or Banca5 terminal, or at the post office counter) (select PAGA PIU’ TARDI)

Use the payment slip information (Bill Notification Code and Beneficiary Organisation Code CBILL) to pay online by way of the Banca Popolare di Sondrio – Scrigno Pago Facile portal, to pay with your credit or debit card.

IMPORTANT – If you have a credit issued by a non-Italian bank, you will need to use the Banca Popolare di Sondrio portal INSTEAD of the “PAGA ONLINE” option that connects with the Italian Public Administration portal where only credit cards issued by Italian banks may be used.

Scrigno Pago Facile is a service offered by Banca Popolare di Sondrio that lets you simply, quickly and securely pay utility bills, fees, taxes and amounts due to third parties (public and private organisations, businesses, etc.) that adhere to the initiative.

You can make on-the-spot payments by entering the beneficiary's name, amount and payment description or complete forms such as MAV or PagoPa payments.

The payment slip provides the following information:

Beneficiary Organisation (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) = 02133120150

Codice CBILL = BBS4F

Bill Notification Code = Codice avviso