
Scadenza iscrizioni:

Facoltà di: Medicina e Chirurgia

Regenerative medicine and tissue engineering


Anno accademico 2023/2024

Lingua English

Tipologia Master Master di II livello

Frequenza Weekend

There is no fee for participation in the Master's degree competition.

The first registration fee payment must be made following the publication of the list of the admitted candidates.

The participation fee is € 3.200.

This fee grants the right to receive the diploma certificate. Any other additional secretarial documentation and certificates will be charged to the candidate. The Master course registration fee must be paid as follows:

First installment at registration, € 2.000

Second and final installment, € 1.200

Payment of the installments due must be made with bank transfer

IBAN IT12 L056 9601 6000 0002 3965 X39       BIC - SWIFT P0S0IT22.

A 25% reduction/discount of the participation fee will be reserved to employees of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "A. Gemelli" IRCCS or Fondazione Poliambulanza, upon achievement of the minimum number of participants.

The possibility to attend selected modules of the Master’s program (as auditors) will be available upon request and subsequent approval by the Director of the Master. An attendance certificate for the respective module(s) will be issued to the auditors.

To be admitted to the Master of Advanced Study in “Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering” the candidates will be selected on the basis of their Curriculum Vitae and will have to pass an entrance exam consisting of an interview during which skills and motivations will be assessed. Online interviews are possible.


Following the registration it will be possible to access the student’s ICATT personal page at the following address:


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