
Scadenza iscrizioni:

Facoltà di: Medicina e Chirurgia

Regenerative medicine and tissue engineering


Anno accademico 2023/2024

Lingua English

Tipologia Master Master di II livello

Frequenza Weekend

The advanced level of the Master’s courses aims to give the basis for the development of a critical scientific approach towards the treated topics. This will be complemented by a practical internship program in Research Centres, Universities or Companies operating in the field of regenerative medicine, or in Regulatory bodies, with the aim to provide the necessary professional and technical approaches in order to be familiar with basic research and in regulatory and business scenarios.

Lessons will be delivered either in presence at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia “A. Gemelli” in Rome, or online via a live streaming platform. Lessons are divided into 11 modules and will take place on weekends throughout the academic year (from April 2023 to January 2024). Two live sessions will open and close the Master’s course. The opening event will provide an introduction to the program, topics and lecturers, and the closing event will discuss attendees’ experiences and feedbacks.  In addition, participants will be invited to attend an international workshop/meeting in the area of interest. An internship program of 700 hours is mandatory.


The program covers a wide range of Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering topics and is divided in the following 11 modules:


  1. Fundamentals of Regenerative Medicine
  2. Advanced Stem Cell Concepts
  3. Modern Era of Regenerative Medicine
  4. Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials
  5. Modelling Diseases from Cells to Organisms
  6. Veterinary Medicine Applications of Regenerative Medicine
  7. Roadmap to Clinical Translation
  8. From a Research Project to a Translational Product
  9. From Research to Clinic: A Dialogue between Research Laboratories and Competent Authorities
  10. Regenerative Medicine: Market Access and Business Opportunities
  11. Experience within a Conference in the Field of Regenerative Medicine
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