Focus on Internship Abroad
a.y. 2023/2024 - II term - Piacenza Campus - in presence
Are you looking for an internship abroad?
Do you need any help to check your traditional CV?
Cattolica International, is pleased to offer you some Counseling Sessions on CV, in order to help you to facilitate the application for your internship abroad and to support you in building up international experiences relevant for your future career.
You will receive a 15-minute meeting, one-to-one, in person, Just make an appointment. You can participate for free, but we have limited availability so it is necessary to register online by March 6th, 2024.
Please, to register to the one-to-one CV check follow the link below ‘HOW TO APPLY’.
We recommend you to prepare a draft copy of your CV for the counseling.
We also invite you to participate in the info session about Internships abroad in Room F at 10.30, March 8th. To register in the group info session please click here!
Waiting for you at Università Cattolica, Piacenza Campus, Via Emilia Parmense 84, Piazzetta di Economia.
"If you register for the event, the participation will be MANDATORY. In case of ‘no show’ we will inform the “Commissione stage di Facoltà”.
Friday, March 8th, 2024
time slot: 9.00 - 10.30 a.m.
choose the slot you're intrested in and REGISTER
For Information
tel: 0523 599 107