The historical-educational heritage as a source for the Public History of Education. Between good practices and new perspectives
h. 10.00 - 11.00 Aula Diamante 2/3
Institutional Greetings
- Anna ASCENZI, SIPSE President
- Pierluigi MALAVASI, Head of the Department of Education at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, SIPED President
- Fulvio DE GIORGI, CIRSE President
- Serge NOIRET, AIPH President
h. 11.00 - 12.00 Aula Diamante 2/3 (Streamed)
Opening Conference
Making the history of the school together / Construyendo la historia de la escuela entre todos
- Francisca COMAS RUBÍ, Principal Investigator of the History of Education Study Group, IRIE, University of the Balearic Islands, Spain
- Chair: Maria del Mar DEL POZO ANDRÉS, SEDHE President
h. 12.00 Lunch
h. 13.30 -16.30 Parallel Sessions
- Section I: Theoretical and methodological reflections - Aula Diamante 1
- Section II: Didactic experiences and activities in the area - Aula Olona 101, Aula Olona 102, Aula Diamante 2/3, Aula Smeraldo 2,
Sala Riunioni 104 - Section III: Analysis and narration of sources - Aula Zaffiro 1, Aula Olona 103,
Sala Consiglio, Aula Smeraldo 1
h. 16.30 - 17.00 Coffee Break
h. 17.00 - 18.30 Aula Diamante 2/3 (Streamed)
The Public History of Education Manifestos, with the ISCHE Standing Working Group on Public Histories of Education
- Gianfranco BANDINI, University of Florence, Italy
- Sjaak BRASTER, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands
- Frederik HERMAN, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
- Chair: Simonetta POLENGHI, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, Italy
Discussant: Serge NOIRET, AIPH President
h. 20.00 Social dinner
h. 9.00 - 10.00 Aula Diamante 2/3 (Streamed)
- Closing Conference
Looking at (and beyond) the classroom as a pedagogical space. Towards a material history of educational practices- Inés DUSSEL, ISCHE President
- Chair: Anna ASCENZI, SIPSE President
h. 10.00 - 10.30 Coffee Break
h. 10.30 - 12.00 Aula Diamante 2/3
Historical-educational heritage and Public History of Education: the point of view of the scientific societies
- Luis María NAYA GARMENDIA, SEPHE President
- Marie VERGNON and Patricia LEGRIS, ATRHE
- Panagiotis KIMOURTZIS, GSEH President
- Maria del Mar DEL POZO ANDRÉS, SEDHE President
- Wolfgang SAHLFELD, SSRE Working Group on History of Education
- Chair: Elisabetta PATRIZI, SIPSE Executive Secretary
h. 12.00 - 12.30 Aula Diamante 2/3
- Presentation of SEPHE Conference Call for Papers
Bienvenido MARTÍN FRAILE, LOC Coordinator - Presentation of SEDHE Conference Call for Papers
Christian ROITH, SEDHE
h. 12.30 - 13.00 Aula Diamante 2/3
- SIPSE 2023 Award-Giving Ceremony: National Prize for Special Merit in the field of Educational Heritage (2nd edition)
- Introduction: Carla GHIZZONI, LOC Coordinator of the III SIPSE Conference
The award is given to:
- Giorgio CHIOSSO, Professor Emeritus at the University of Turin
- Pompeo VAGLIANI, Director of MUSLI - Museum of Schools and Children’s Books of Turin
h. 13.00 Aula Diamante 2/3
- Final Greetings by Anna Ascenzi, Gianfranco Bandini, Carla Ghizzoni,
Editors of the III SIPSE Conference Book of Abstracts
Zoom link of the live-streamed sessions will be provided on SIPSE website (click here)