9.30 Registration
10.00 Welcome and Introduction
- Christoph STEINEBACH, President of EFPA (Online)
- Santo DI NUOVO, President of AIP and INPA
- Laura PAROLIN, President of the Order of Psychologists of Lombardy (OPL)
- Domenico SIMEONE, Dean of the Faculty of Education
- Antonella MARCHETTI, Head of the Department of Psychology
- Davide MASSARO, Vice President of AIP
11.00 Invited Speaker
- Tina MALTI, President of ISSBD LECTIO
12.00 Q&A Session
12.30 Light Lunch
14.00 Poster Interactive Session:
Care and Education Interventions in Europe
15.30 Coffee Break
16.00 Round Table:
Psychologies and Interventions to Support Children in Contexts of Care and Education
- Tina MALTI, President of ISSBD
- Santo DI NUOVO, President of AIP and INPA
- Giuseppe CURCIO, AIP – Experimental Psychology Section
- Guendalina GRAFFIGNA, AIP – Psychology of Organizations Section
- Fabio MADEDDU, AIP – Clinical and Dynamic Psychology Section
- Terri MANNARINI, AIP – Social Psychology Section
- Stefano CACCIAMANI, AIP - Developmental and Educational Psychology Section
17.00 Closing Remarks
17.30 Cocktail Hour