Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

The project Skills by Sport for Med, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Sport Programme of the European Union, addresses the objective of promoting education and skills development in and through sport by implementing activities specifically focused on the creation of effective, attractive and immediate open educational resources dedicated to the development and implementation of labour skills that from sport can be applied to work. The main target groups of the project, with a continuous consistent contribution by Alta Scuola di Psicologia Agostino Gemelli (Asag) directed by Caterina Gozzoli, are two: 

  • coaches and sport instructors;
  • youths and unemployed (including cluster of migrants, also in qualified repatriation perspective) that can be supported by sport in (re)integration into the labour market. 

The goals of the project 

The project Skills by Sport for Med: Sport as a vehicle for developing skills for the labor market and promoting employability and entrepreneurship aims at promoting in a strategic way social transformation through sport in the Mediterranean region, by focusing on sport as a vehicle for promoting work capacities and employment. This objective goes in line with the main priorities of EU policies, not only in the frame of sport, but also in integration, immigration, development, security and international cooperation. In this sense sport in this project is not an end but a “mean” (a tool) for addressing the social and economic problem of low employment, and hence massive migration processes, insecurity and terrorism threats.

The project aims at using skills and competencies acquired by coaches and sport instructors during their professional career to train different target groups in developing a set of professional skills (with solid attention to soft ones) useful to integrate them into the labour market. This will allow to create labour through sport.

Coaches and sport instructors actually should hold a set of skills that go over the mere technical ones, and that refer to soft and life skills they are trained and use in their current work as coaches and transmit to athletes and sport participants. It is less clear whether they are aware of such skills or not and whether they use them or not during their athletes’ training actions.

The key-elements of the project

Starting from the necessity to train and educate people to develop or change new work skills and competencies and using an experimentation within a set of Mediterranean basin Countries, the project aims at creating awareness of that possibility on coaches/sport instructor and at constructing a set of open and educational resources to support soft and professional skill development through sportThus, sport becomes a sort of incubator of skills and competencies development, particularly useful and immediate for people to understand and experience, where people can test new skills and learn how to transfer them into work.

A final scope of the project is to narrow the gap identified by relevant EU-funded projects such, as Training Athletes for Sports Events Management (Tasem) in the field of sport management and education between the Northern and the Southern sides of the Mediterranean basin, promoting both inter-cultural dialogue and a common understanding of values issues.

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