
Scadenza iscrizioni: November 29 2024

Facoltà di: Lettere e Filosofia; Economia

Arts Management


Anno accademico 2024/2025

Lingua English

Tipologia Master Master di I livello

Frequenza Full time

Classes will start on 30th of January 2025.
Classes are scheduled from Monday to Friday (10.00 AM – 1.00 PM and 2.00 PM-5.00 PM) from January 30th, 2025 to July 25th, 2025.
Classes include lectures, company and institution visits, site visits, team-working activities and guest speakers.
Project Works take place from July to December. Internships are activated in the time frame between July and December (with a minimum duration of three months, and an average one of six months).
The Master closing ceremony is in December 2025.
Italian Language Course

To work in Italy, and to fully appreciate the 'Italian' cultural atmosphere in our country, might require a basic knowledge of Italian. To support and help our participants, we have included beginners’ Italian classes in our course program.

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