Webinar | 29 novembre

Populism and Far-Right

Second Edition

Tuesday 29th November 2022, 15:30 CET
The Foreign Policy of the Far-Right and the Challenges Ahead for European and Transatlantic Cooperation
Federica FAZIO, Dublin City University
Christian KAUNERT, Dublin City University e University of South Wales
Click here to join the meeting

Wednesday 18th January 2023, 18:00 CET
Granola Nazis and neoliberal mystics: gender, nature, tradition and the far-right online
Cat TEBALDI, University of Luxembourg
Click here to join the meeting

Wednesday 15th February 2023, 18:00 CET
The European Far-Right, COVID-19, and Conspiracy Theories
Katherine KONDOR, C-REX - Centre for Research on Extremism at the University of Oslo
Click here to join the meeting

Wednesday 15th March 2023, 18:00 CET
From ‘common sense’ to ‘faith’: Matteo Salvini’s normalisation of far right ideology via social media (2017-2022)
George NEWTH, University of Bath
Click here to join the meeting



More information and contacts:
Damiano Palano - Antonio Campati - Valerio Alfonso Bruno
These seminars are organized within the Project PRIN: Cultures of Sovereignty, Transformations of Democracy and Dynamics of Power in the Global Age

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29 novembre 2022


15:30 CET

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