Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
Young professionals tell their stories in dialogue with students of the degree courses in Cultural Heritage Sciences and History of Art and Archaeology.
Giulia Caldiroli, Production manager Superstudio Events
Costanza Nizzi, Curator Park Associati and Co-Founder of Ondo
Alessia Chiarenza, Mapei Corporate Markets Coordination & Support Specialist and freelance tour guide
Bernardo Follini, Senior Curator Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo
Martina Ortolo, Field Archaeologist Freelancer
Fabiola Rossi, Freelance Field Archaeologist
Silvio Mara, Internship Tutor and Lecturer
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
The meeting will take place in person.
To register click here
Internship & Placement
E-mail: stage-mi@unicatt.it
Telephone number: 02.72348500