Class of 2027
17:30 - Welcome
- Giovanni GAMBASSI, President, MD International Program
17:35 - Opening remarks
- Prof. Alessandro SGAMBATO, Vice Dean, Medical School
- Prof. Marco ELEFANTI, Director General, Gemelli Hospital
17:45 - An iconic symbol
- Giovanni GAMBASSI, President, MD International Program
17:50 - Coating ceremony
18:30 - Introduction of keynote speaker
18:35 - Keynote Address
- Professor Ajay SHAH, MD, FMedSci, FKC Executive Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine
- James Black, Professor of Medicine & BHF Professor of Cardiology King's College, London, UK
18:55 - Reading of Hippocratic Oath
- Camilla MARANDOLA, MD Class of 2023
19:00 - Photo session FAREWELL