The Trauma-Informed-Care paradigm is an organizational model that proposes multidisciplinary care in the prevention and treatment of psychological trauma. Becoming aware of trauma-oriented principles in working with women (and their children) who are survivors of violence is increasingly central to the consequent care. The training day introduces the principles of the approach and its repercussions in the structuring of good practices in services.
The objectives of the training focus on building a greater awareness of both the trauma-informed principles and the related tools in order to translate them into good practices from a multidisciplinary perspective, starting from the synergies necessary for the interception of psychological trauma and its relapses, the effects of which are identified in the behaviors, needs and choices of women survivors of gender-based violence. The organizational and systemic barriers to the implementation of trauma-oriented Service models and the central theme of the indirect effects of work with trauma on the professionals themselves will also be addressed.
By the end of the day, participants will have acquired:
- Awareness of the principles and orientations of the trauma-oriented paradigm applied to gender-based violence;
- Observational screening tools;
- Systemic and multidisciplinary vision of psychological trauma translated into the practices of the services
- Barriers to the Implementation of Trauma-Informed Services
Initiative organized within the project "Psychology of gender violence" carried out as part of the call "Promotion of projects and/or training courses in the Lombardy university system on issues of prevention and combating violence against women, year 2023/2024" referred to in the dd.g.r. No. 550/2023 and No. 591/2023" promoted and funded by the Lombardy Region.
09:00 Institutional greetings
Franco MILANI, Health and Social Director, ATS Brescia
Luca MILANI, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Chiara IONIO, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
09:20 The inter-institutional territorial context and the importance of continuing training
Giovanni GILLINI and Daniela ROSSI, ATS Brescia
09:30 A Public Health Approach to Trauma in Gender-Based Violence
Vittoria ARDINO
10:30 Overview of the trauma-oriented paradigm in its application to gender-based violence
Vittoria ARDINO
11:30-11:45 Coffee break
11:45 Maximizing Physical and Psychological Safety in Women (and Children) Survivors of Violence Trauma and Professionals
Massimiliano FIERRO
12:15 Group work
Vittoria ARDINO and Massimiliano FIERRO
13:00 Plenary debate
13:30-14:00 Lunch break
14:00 Strategies to prevent re-traumatization: Observational screening and emotional regulation
Vittoria ARDINO and Massimiliano FIERRO
15:00 Group work
Vittoria ARDINO and Massimiliano FIERRO
16:00-16:15 Coffee break
16:15 Plenary debate
16:45 Trauma-oriented service models for women survivors of gender-based violence
Vittoria ARDINO and Massimiliano FIERRO
17:30 Plenary conclusions
Registration for the course for the issuance of CME training credits must be made online by Tuesday 29 October 2024: for ATS Brescia employees by accessing the portal with the credentials used for the Employee Corner; for non-employees of ATS Brescia by logging in with their credentials or by registering on the portal and proceeding with the registration.
According to the indications contained in the Decree of the Director General of Welfare no. 19280 of 29.12.2022, the event was assigned N° 7 CME credits. The certificate with credits will be issued exclusively to those who have participated in at least 80% of the program, passed the learning test and completed the customer satisfaction questionnaire on the portal (section: my registrations) within 3 days of the end of the course.
For organizational reasons, registration is welcome for participation without CME credits by clicking here.
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