Communicating the Church in the Age of AI
4 May - The ethical and deontological challenges of AI for journalists and communicators
- Introductory greetings:
- Stefano Femminis, Director of the Social Communications Office of the Diocese of Milan
- don Simone Bruno, editorial director of San Paolo Edizioni
- Lecture:
- Mons. Lucio Adrián Ruiz, Secretary General of the Dicastery for Communication of the Holy See
- Introductory video:
- testimonies of Giancarlo Loquenzi (presenter of "Zapping", Rai Radio1),
- Mons. Davide Milani (provost of Lecco, president of Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo),
- Riccardo Sorrentino (President of the Lombardy Order of Journalists)
- Round table with:
- Antonella Marchetti, Full Professor of Developmental Psychology and Educational Psychology, Director of the Department of Psychology (Università Cattolica, Milan);
- Fr. Luca Peyron, Digital Apostolate Archdiocese of Turin, Humane Technology Lab (Università Cattolica, Milan);
- Pietro Saccò, journalist for "Avvenire"
- Dialogue with the public
- Coordinates the morning:
- Martina Pennisi, journalist of "Corriere della Sera"
18 May - Ecclesial communication and AI
- If AI enters the parish
- Fr. Luca Fossati, collaborator of the Social Communications Office of the Diocese of Milan
- AI and social communication
- Federico Bianchino, social media manager of ChiesadiMilano
- Using newsletters for parish communication
- Raffaele Biglia, collaborator of the Social Communications Office of the Diocese of Milan
June 1 - Producing content with AI (and beyond)
- The use of AI for content production
- Alberto Puliafito, journalist, director of Slow News
- The podcast as an emerging communication tool
- Catia Caramelli, journalist of Radio24
- New digital tools and regulatory updates
- Fr. Luca Fossati, collaborator of the Social Communications Office of the Diocese of Milan
Participation fee 30 euros. Registration required
by 1 May (subject to availability) on:
Payment must be made by credit card or prepaid card.
The meeting on 4 May is open to journalists who are members of the Order (the meeting recognises training credits)
Info and registration:
For information:
Office of Social Communications
Piazza Fontana, 2 – 20122 Milan – tel. 02 85.56.240 –