
Scadenza iscrizioni:

Facoltà di: Lettere e filosofia

User Experience Psychology-UxP


Anno accademico 2024/2025

Lingua English

Tipologia Master Master di I livello

Frequenza Full time

Participants Profile

The Specializing Master is designed for ambitious graduates and professionals who wish to pursue or further develop in a career in the UX, which is one of the most demanded careers in the emerging “experience economy”. The ideal candidate has a strong commitment to understand how to create digital experiences that match users’ needs as well as a strong motivation to engage with a genuine interdisciplinary environment mixing design and psychology.

The Master in UxP welcomes candidates with a Degree or Specialist/Master’s Degree preferentially in social and human sciences, design, engineering, architecture and economics, but students with other backgrounds may be eligible as well. Work experience is considered a plus. Undergraduates may apply when the bachelor’s degree has been obtained by March/April 2025.

Career paths

The course is intended for students with different backgrounds, who share the interest and passion towards delivering excellent user experiences.

Job titles include:

  • User Experience Designer
  • UX Researcher
  • Interaction Designer
  • UX specialist
  • Product designer
  • Usability analyst
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