Punishment and community in dialogue
Institutional greetings
- Prof. Elena BECCALLI, Rector, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
- Prof. Stefano SOLIMANO, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
- Coordinator: Prof. Gianluca VARRASO, Full Professor of Criminal Procedure Law and Penitentiary Law, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
- H.E. Most. Rev. Mario DELPINI, Archbishop of Milan
- Prof. Gabrio FORTI, Emeritus of Criminal Law, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Academician of the Lincei
- Dr. Giovanna DI ROSA, President of the Court of Appeal of Brescia
- Dr. Teresa MAZZOTTA, Director of the Interdistrict Office for External Criminal Enforcement of Lombardy
- Fr. Marco RECALCATI, Chaplain of the San Vittore Prison, Milan
- Dr. Ileana MONTAGNINI, Prison and Justice Area of Caritas Ambrosiana
- Fr Nazario COSTANTE, Director of Social and Labour Ministry of the Archdiocese of Milan
University Initiative on Hope in the Jubilee Year